Bluestacks 3 multiple instances
Bluestacks 3 multiple instances

The Multi-instance Manager gives you different options for managing your instances efficiently.

  • Create an instance for Android Pie 64-bit.
  • Create an instance for Android Nougat 64-bit.
  • Create an instance for Android Nougat 32-bit.
  • To read the detailed steps for creating an instance of your choice on BlueStacks 5, please select the desired Android version for the new instance from the links below: You can also then clone your current instance, i.e create a copy of the instance, by clicking on "Clone instance", as shown below. Click on the "Instance" button on the Multi-instance Manager window and follow the on-screen instructions. You can use the Multi-instance Manager to create several different instances of BlueStacks 5. You can also discover how to play games that require a specific Android version with the help of this article.

    bluestacks 3 multiple instances

    To learn more about how to organize and tidy up your instances in the Multi-instance Manager better, refer to this article. Explore Android gaming on Cloud from the Multi-instance Manager window.Easily view more instances by vertically resizing the Multi-instance Manager window.Select and launch multiple instances placed within and outside folders.Quickly access your most used instances by rearranging them within the Multi-instance Manager window.Create need-specific folders for your instances.You can use the Multi-instance Manager to:

    bluestacks 3 multiple instances

    You can use these instances to play several games together, use different accounts at the same time, farm more easily in many games and much more! You can create multiple instances of BlueStacks 5 and manage them easily using the Multi-instance Manager. Why should I use the Multi-instance Manager?

    Bluestacks 3 multiple instances